8 Quotes & Sayings By E M Cioran

Emile M. Cioran was a Romanian philosopher, essayist, and logician. He is known for his aphoristic style of writing, his highly individualistic philosophy of life, and his deep pessimism. Cioran was born in Romania during the summer of 1911, the son of a lawyer Read more

He lost his father at an early age and was raised by his mother. His first teacher was his maternal grandfather. At high school he had to decide whether to study law or medicine, but after being warned not to study medicine because it was an untidy science which would lead to no good, he decided on law instead.

Democracy is a festival of mediocrity. E. M. Cioran
My enthusiasms ... constitute my reserves my unexploited resources perhaps my future. E. M. Cioran
Let us not be needlessly bitter: certain failures are sometimes fruitful. E. M. Cioran
Let us not be needlessly bitter certain failures are sometimes fruitful. E. M. Cioran
If each of us were to confess his most secret desire the one that inspires all his plans all his actions he would say: "I want to be praised." E. M. Cioran
An individual dies ... when instead of taking risks and hurling himself toward being he cowers within and takes refuge there. E. M. Cioran
No one can keep his griefs in their prime they use themselves up. E. M. Cioran